Roxie60 said...
You can do the coinfections first. If any come back positive an llmd will highly suspect lyme anc thd treatmdnt you get sometimes is overlapping(addresses both lyme and coinfections)
Have you been outside Australia? If not I have not seen anyone report having babesia that is from Australia, doesnt mean its not there but so dar seems north american strain. I really question how is it this appears to be a global illness and still the attention is not there.
understand uour finance isdues ad student so if I were yiu I would have no problem testing for voinfections first. How long have you been sick? If you have been sick forawhile you might ck to see if CD57 test is aavailable there, it can sometimes be considered a screen for lyme also.
Thanks for your reply :)
Yes I have been to Asia but I don't recall getting any tick bites. And I haven't been around any grass and bushes for about
3 years. I just woke up one day and had the bite on my ankle. Hmm yeah that's the only reason I can think of why he didn't test me for babesia.
As soon as I mentioned Lyme to my GP, he said: NO! You don't have Lyme. Now go get an ultrasound for this this and this...
I've been sick since February this year.. Yes CD57 is available here :) I will go get co-infections done first then! Thank you <3