Which MTHFR mutations do you have?
This is a fantastic website that can provide good info regarding your questions:
www.mthfr.netI tested positive for A1298C and M677T—one copy each. I'm not sure exactly what all my issues are, but I do know that the methyl issues cause me problems with a) proper detoxing; b) balancing neurotransmitter levels; c) blood sugar issues; d) and I have a predisposition to heart problems and maybe some other health issues and if my lifestyle also does not support good health in these areas I am more likely to have problems.
The weblink I provided has a reference list for practitioners who are "trained" in dealing with methylization problems. I found my new ND on that list. She has me supplementing with methyl forms of B12 and glutathione. I noticed an increase in energy immediately after I started supplementing.
In order to detox effectively with the mutations, you really need to supplement effectively and detox carefully. Diet is also important to control inflammation and prevent yeast/fungal overgrowth. H pylori is a bacteria in your gut that you can treat as well… lots of good info online about
There are a few people in the forum who do self treat—maybe they can offer some thoughts.