Posted 10/17/2014 5:08 PM (GMT 0)
I should have posted this yesterday to give enough time for replies...but I'll try now, anyway.
I have my LLND phone appt. later today.
I have had a bit of improvement on the biaxin/ammox combo.
I'm thinking this time, he's going to look at a cyst buster, or perhaps rifampin for bart. He was hoping the biaxin/ammox would help with bart. He likes to see more improvement in 4 I'm thinking he may switch it up again.
He discusses options with me...and is quite to the order of treatment.
I'm leaning toward rifampin for bart...and do cyst buster later.What do you think? How harsh/harmful on the body is rifampin compared to the macrolides and tetracylines, etc? I mean, none of it is without some risks of damage to the body.
So, if we decide on a cyst buster instead of rifampin...dont know which one to do? When I read other's protocols, sometimes there isn't a cyst buster listed....Is a cyst buster always necessary?
tinidazole, flagyl, GSE.
Last time he mentioned that he preferred tinidazole to flagyl.
I know there has been studies of mice getting cancer from tinidazole...but I'm thinking of going on it - just a couple weeks to see if it does make a difference.
What do you think? Is it worth it...for just a couple weeks..or am I doing more harm than good by starting/stopping?
I could follow up with the GSE after. I just don't want to be on any of the three for very long...
I know you can't make the decision for me...but I like to hear your I can go into the appt. with a bit of knowlege.