My GI issues have been going on for 7+ years maybe longer. They tried to diagnose all sorts of things, Chron's, SIBO, gastritis, I forget all of them. The sx are so similar but not exactly so it's been a wild goose chase.
- My main sx in the beginning was pain after eating, crazy bloating and pressure;
- ND ran food allergy tests and just about
everything showed really high antibodies, indicating leaky gut (something everyone w/ food allergies should familiarize themselves with—lots of info online);
- I started with HCl to trigger the pancreas to produce bile, which triggers the stomach to produce acids;
- I started a diet of no dairy, grains, sugar, caffeine, and rotation of foods that I could eat—but eventually everything still showed a lot of irritation and inflammation;
- The diet stopped helping all that much, stress level and neurotransmitters remained at extreme levels despite TONS of supplements and readjustment (later found out that my DNA mutation was causing the neurotransmitter imbalance, which was also exacerbating the GI problems)
Then things changed quite a bit after 2013 and 13+ months struggling with chronic sinusitis and bronchitis:
- I was in/out of Urgent care and the ER and they put me on course after course of various abx and steroids;
- soon, very obvious lyme, Bartonella and Babesia symptoms started to emerge and after lots of googling and researching, it was clear I had the infections and I started seeing an LLMD and got tested;
- other complications developed because I was ignorant and NONE of the doctors prescribing abx bothered to mention probiotics and I developed a severe systemic yeast/fungal overgrowth problem that I am still battling and might always, from what I've read. Plus, one of my DNA mutations suggests that I might always have problems metabolizing sugar;
- But in addition to those sx, I started developing these bizarre episodes that started in the middle of the night and would last for 12+ hours where I would have severe cramping (not gas) throughout my torso and upper GI that would kind of pulse on a 4-5 minute cycle, this would get worse and worse until finally I would projectile vomit everything I ate earlier (I had barely started digesting anything after all that time)—these were debilitating and terrifying experiences—I passed out twice trying to crawl to my phone to dial 911;
- While I often had cramping around mealtime and in the evening (during a certain part of the normal digestive cycle that occurs while you're asleep) , these extreme episodes occurred at a 4-5 week cycle;
- Throughout these episodes (about
7-8 months) I'd gone through various cycles of specific diets with no change in the episodes so it was pretty clear it had nothing to do with what I ate;
- Then someone here on the forum suggested "bell's palsy of the gut", which is from Bartonella—and it was like, EUREKA! that's it. I shared the info w/ my LLMD. this helps—