Hi there, I'm new to this forum and decided to post because I'm rather worried as to whether a rash on my arm I currently have is Lyme. Around 3 weeks ago I noticed an itchy spot on my arm, it didn't seem like anything out of the ordinary as I've had random bouts of eczema most of my life (am 18 years old) but I have chronic health anxiety, and generalized anxiety disorder so anything I notice about
my health gets me rather scared.
Recently I looked up Lyme disease because I wanted to see if the classic bullseye rash resembled what my rash looked like, and at the time I completely cast it aside and thought it was totally different, but now I've got it into my head that it definitely is a bullseye rash. It's not very uniform, and there is a rash around it related or not I don't know, but I think there is a distinct spot in the middle but then again there are lots of spots that you'll see in the picture. With anxiety comes a variety of symptoms, fatigue, depression, muscle twitching, aches and pains etc which I suffer from and these also seem to be a factor in lyme disease which also got my heart racing.
VIEW IMAGEAbove is a picture of what I think is my bullseye rash. I live in the UK and don't know when I can get an appointment booked to see my GP. I've had this rash for around 3 weeks, it hasn't got any bigger, it itched at first but not anymore, it isn't warm to the touch and blanches.
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.