Maybe your LLMD means to say that he intends to do the same thing I'm suggesting that you do, which either of you can do. The .pdf you will receive from 23andme is "raw data", which is literally over 10,000 pages (no, that is not a typo LOL) with over 30 SnPs (gene functions) on each page. It is insanity! But pretty cool, too. You will need to have another service interpret that raw data for you. And THEN he can help you understand the report. And like my MD, he'll probably get a little excited about
how much info is in it—pretty fascinating.
There are free reports where you upload your 23andme .pdf (see which has a free version and a much more comprehensive version that includes categories other than methylation for $50). And other sites like this one that is also free and very compressive for methylation info see
I doubt anything magic will happen :( BUT, if you & your LLMD are armed with info, you can make some significant progress.
Excited for you to get your results! Please let us know how things progress and what you learn and what is working…