Pirouette said...
Thanks d2gw! I hope this all goes back to normal, too.
The email was from one of the LLMD's nurse's assistance, not the nurse or the LLMD so not sure how they feel. But the thing with this particular nurse is that she is very nice and proactive and responsive, but I can tell immediately when she is out of her comfort zone, which she is about this kind of stuff, so I don't get much reaction from her at all. I would be willing to bet she will just refer me to a cardiologist.
I am in the process now of trying to search for means to test my genealogy to find out if I should prepare myself for a permanent situation or if there is more likelihood that it was drug-induced. Will post what I find out!
If it was a genetic problem, you wouldn't be with us. It is induced by something you are taking and being deficient in something responsible for toxin elimination. It's a build up of something and a serious issue. Email me a list of what you are taking and I'll look at the chemical structures and see if I can determine the most likely culprit.