Posted 1/20/2015 3:51 PM (GMT 0)
Hi all,
For two years now Ive had symptoms that screamed Lyme disease to me, particularly after a bite history and living in high incidence areas. Ive never tested postitive, but this time last year I had blood went to immunosciences which was postive igg41 igm39 igm equivocal on 5 other bands. I was prescribed doxy which helped, but always stopped when my symptoms were under control. Anyway, for the past 6 months whenever Ive flared, I get these splinter haemorrhages under the fingernails, also a sore scalp and red cheeks that come and go. I then thought perhaps lupus, and have just had bloods run for Lupus, vasculitis, RF, ANCA, Liver, Kidneys etc.... all normal!! I still have the symptoms which are perhaps more associated with lyme disease, and my Dr said lupus would be last on his list to look into. Still have sore soles, tmj, parasthesis, head pressure which literally feels like my head is in a vice, buzzing, joint pain etc etc....
Ive got more doxy now. But would you still be going down the lyme route? Coinfections perhaps? Bart and babs were negative according to immunosciences. At a loss now, and very scared.