Thank you for your responses, I am seeing a naturalpath doctor because their isn't any Lyme Md's here in Alberta Canada that I can find. She is trying to fix my candida problem first but the syntol is really hard to take I have bad effects from it. She said it will take around 2-3 years to clear up everything, and at a cost of 600 a month... I wish I had a MD here that would help. My GP doctor refused to even test me for anything she was stuck on I am depressed, which I am not.. she wouldn't test me for anything I asked for, so I found a lyme doctor that specialized in a lot of chronic problems and she thought it was lyme just from my symptoms so I sent to Igenex and had these results. My GP refused to look at the Igenex results or even do the Canada test for it. I am up in arms with my doctor at this point and not sure if I should try to find a new GP or follow the non antibiotic Chinese medicine approach from my lyme doctor, her name is Dr. R. from Calgary.. not sure if anyone heard of her.
Thanks again for the responses.
Post Edited By Moderator (Traveler) : 1/27/2015 9:38:23 AM (GMT-7)