The suspense is killing me. Although this probably isnt a direct lyme question, this place is a great resource. This was one test ordered after the Dr reviewed my genetic mutations.
I dont take supplemental B6 or any daily supps with it. The top of the b6 range is 21, I'm at 52, more than double. I have seen b6 in methalation maps, but its confusing. I'm wondering if ABX can lead to b6 build up? I was off ABX 1 month prior to this test though.
I wonder if this is part of my anxiety that is very noticable while I'm on ABX? Anxiety is less, but still there a little. I sleep now.
The only non-food b6 I ever get is from an occasional energy drink, which I avoided 1 week prior to this b6 blood draw. The time before that was 2 weeks. I doubt this is the high B6 sourcel since I only use them monthly the last few years.
Any weird health issues that cause high B6?
Dr said to take in less b6, Ill have to look up what food has b6 and eliminate it, since I dont take B6 vitamins.
Obviously a retest will be in the future.
EDIT: B6 now normal, 2018
Post Edited (astroman) : 10/10/2018 11:23:54 AM (GMT-6)