Not sure how this process works, as I am just starting my Lyme journey. I tested positive for IgG 41 only, but have crazy burning feet and somewhat on my hands. I was also at a cottage a couple months before all this started and found a few ticks on me, though I don't recall an actual bite or bite marks. No rash.
Going to see my normal doctor next week concerning the results (Flint area), he may be well versed on all this, but I won't know until then, and from what I understand, LLMD's take quite a while to get in to see, so I don't want to just wait around for weeks/months to see if my current doctor pans out. He could actually be a LLMD, not sure.
Anyway, does anyone know of a good one in the Mid Michigan area?
I'm assuming I may have Bartonella, but maybe not Lyme, but again, I'm very very new to all this.