Absolutely do not ignore these warning signs!!! You are in a horrible state of mind during a
temporary health crisis!! Please, please do not do something that will be so permanent. This will pass.
I've dealt with depression and suicidal thoughts myself - and honestly - I tried it twice before I realized that I was only going to hurt those that cared about
me more if I did something like that.
This is a part of these infections, believe it or not. Can you call your doc tonight and ask for some antidepressants? You will only need the short term, but it will help a whole bunch with these feelings.
If you need to, reach out to one of these resources below - or you can email me for a while tonight. I'll be happy to talk with you for a bit.
And don't feel bad for posting - that's why we are here!!! Remember, this is temporary!!!
Big hugs to you!!
U.S. Helplines
National Suicide Hotline
1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433)
This is a combined network of the Amerian Association of Suicidology, the National Hopeline Network, CONTACT USA, and many other organizations. Call are automatically routed to the nearest crisis center to the phone from which the call for help is placed.
NDMDA Depression Hotline | Support Group. 800-826-3632
Suicide Prevention Services Crisis Hotline 800-784-2433
Suicide Prevention Services Depression Hotline 630-482-9696
AAA Crisis Pregnancy Center 800-560-0717
Child Abuse Hotline | Support & Information 800-792-5200
Crisis Help Line | For Any Kind of Crisis 800-233-4357
Domestic & Teen Dating Violence | English & Spanish 800-992-2600
Parental Stress Hotline | Help for Parents 800-632-8188
Runaway Hotline | All Calls are Confidential 800-231-6946
Sexual Assault Hotline | Up 24/7 - In English & Spanish 800-223-5001
Suicide & Depression Hotline | Covenant House 800-999-9999
Or go online for help:
------Online Hotline Resources--------
www.crisischat.org/chat/www.befrienders.org//www.imalive.org/www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org/www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org/There's even a suicide prevention with texting!!!
Need Help? Text “CTL” to 741741.
CTL (Crisis Text Line) helps individuals in crisis by connecting them with a compassionate, trained listener through a toll-free texting service. CTL is available nationwide and 24/7
www.crisistextline.org/ for more information about
this option.