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Veteran Member
Joined : Feb 2014
Posts : 2752
Posted 5/6/2015 4:39 PM (GMT 0)
This has been going on for a while, but now that I am not on the forum as regularly as I was, it is becoming a problem. I posted a thread the other day that got 19 responses - and my email only notified me of 2. I have absolutely no idea why this is happening - can anyone figure this out? Thanks!
Regular Member
Joined : May 2014
Posts : 382
Posted 5/6/2015 5:23 PM (GMT 0)
I think that you will only get one email for each thread until you
open that thread and read it. So if you get an email and then get several more responses before you come back to the forum, you won't get an email for the most recent responses. After you come to the forum and read the thread, you will get emails again.
Elite Member
Joined : May 2007
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Posted 5/6/2015 6:19 PM (GMT 0)
If you change the word thread to post in Nosila's response, that's right.
Each time you subscribe to a thread, you "generally" only get one email notification when the next person posts until you click on the link that takes you to that thread - then it starts again. You don't actually get an email notification for each post made in the thread.
I will get 2 email notifications on a thread when lots of people are posting in it, but not always.
Veteran Member
Joined : Feb 2014
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Posted 5/6/2015 7:50 PM (GMT 0)
oh, I see. but if I post again on the same thread, I don't have to continue to click on the notify me button do I? Because this thread is a perfect example. I got notified of Nosila's response, read it, but didn't get notified of yours, Traveler. This is one of the reasons I am losing touch with some of the threads I have written on. I used to go on the forum everyday - like today, but I don't anymore, and if I didn't check on this on my own, I may not have seen your response.
Forum Moderator
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Posted 5/6/2015 7:55 PM (GMT 0)
Chapelle - If I'm understanding, it didn't notify you of Trav's because it notified you of Nosila's. So, when you came to see Nosila's, you would automatically see Trav's.
If you had seen Nosila's and then gone out of forum, and Trav posted, it would notify you again of Trav's - but when you come to read Trav's, there could be another two, or three...etc.
Does that make sense?
Veteran Member
Joined : Feb 2014
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Posted 5/6/2015 8:06 PM (GMT 0)
You know what, I am figuring it out - when I came to the forum, I only saw Nosila's. But I did that from my phone. So maybe that is why I didn't get notified of Travelers? Hmmmm unless Traveler's was there and I didn't notice it? LOL - I totally get what you guys are saying. Let me pay close attention to see if this is what is happening. Thanks for the explanations!!
Elite Member
Joined : May 2007
Posts : 36573
Posted 5/6/2015 10:09 PM (GMT 0)
That's my understanding of how it words too, Girlie.
The other thing is that this site isn't quite yet considered completely "mobile friendly" yet. Admin is working hard on getting that done this year - hopefully this summer some time!!
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