WeLLLL, youre def hitting things pretty nicely I would say between the meds and herbs you are taking! When I took multiple abx at one time in the beginning I had a reaction where it affected my breathing and made my chest feel tight simultaneously. There were numerous call to my llmd at that point! We discussed it being a possibility of babesia rearing its head and it being air hunger...BUT....it turns out it was anxiety from the herx/die-off.
The reason I knew is because my llmd had me take a valium and magically the breathing issue/chest tightness was relieved! Another way I knew is because I would MAKE myself do some light and short jogging for a few mins just around my driveway and immediately following my breathing would be better. This was because exercise is known to make certain brain chemicals flow and relieve anxiety.
So all in all, I think it was between the die-off causing anxiety and my lymph's not being able to filter out the bacteria die-off quick enough. I think the lymph glands in my chest and neck were affected the most at that time.
For me, the breathing thing lasted for a couple months on and off actually. During that time I literally would take a low-dose dose of valium just to breathe okay. I would just take quarters of the pill and it helped.
If this is the case for you, you could ask your llmd for a script
of valium (or Klonopin is good) and try some just to see if it eases things. I did not want to develop a habit so I made sure I ONLY took as needed and in low doses.
I have come to realize that I personally have 3 types of herx's:
-physical symptoms & pain herx
-anxiety herx
-& emotional herx.
The ultimate herx has been-you guessed it, ALL 3 things at ONCE! Talking about
a hot-mess!
I have somewhat learned my limits and take things low and slow to start so I can essentially even survive taking the meds.
Its good you are detoxing. Sauna's are good....thats was one of the reasons I forced a lil jogging. I tried to break some sweat and get my lymph's flowing. *Lymph's move when you move* is key to remember.
This is my fav site for lyme detoxing remedies if you would like to incorporate some more things into your detoxing routine:
www.tiredoflyme.com/detox-methods.htmlHope you find some relief soon!