hello, this is sort of hard to explain my story but if anyone has any advice or anything similar i would greatly appreciate it. :) Ok here it goes! In december 2014-2015, i thought i was having dental problems so i got a wisdom tooth extracted. i was put on 7 days antibiotics and was 100%% back to normal. Then 3 weeks later the symptoms came back. Symptoms are a dull pressure that moves around the face, gums, and head. lt makes my neck hurt and it gets hard for me to talk or smile. it also causes my face to tingle especially by my nose/ cheeks and above my eyebrow. During that time i was dealing with this, a friend of our was moving to New York and gave us her guest bed. They put the guest bed in my room and 3 months later i began to break out in hives. i didnt know why and i would wake up with burning red eyes. i thought it was allergies. Turns out the bed had BED BUGS! i took pictures and everything lol. i didn't relate the pain with bed bugs and assumed it was dental. I was told that i was having nerve problems but something didn't feel right. One thing i have realized is that every time i get on 7 day antibiotics my symptoms disappear like i have never even had them! i kept thinking it was dental related and decided to see a natural dentist. He said i had parasites. and gave me parasite medicine. i was not 100% taking them but was stable. but i have no more left and have to order them online and the dentist was 4 hours away. i had to take the greyhound! I have been to the e.r twice and nothing. the symptoms have now spread to the roof of my mouth. i am going to see a doctor this friday but in the mean time i decided to do some research. Lyme and Mycoplasma sounds like what i have but with no health insurance it is hard! I am only 20 years old and had to quit my part time job. My mom is a single mother and i am the oldest so you can imagine some tension. she is supportive to an extent. sometimes i have learned to just keep my mouth shut about
the pain. i am really scared and feel like no one will know what happened to me until my death. Sometimes i just wake up crying. i went to whole foods market and bought cats claw from herb pharm and olive leaf. not only am i scared i know my family has become irrated by me and i try to stay out of their ways and let them enjoy their life since i know i am a constant burden. The top of my mouth has started tingling. Dentist cant figure it out. i the docter i am going to treats lyme and uses sameta or something. its like cats claw.