This was to discuss the MRI, after the ultrasound, 2cbc/urine,chest x-ray... he says there is a cyst on my liver but it doesn't look he says we will check it in a year to see if it changes iron level went up a point...whatever.
He ordered another blood test to double check and make sure about
the cancer thing...but he doesn't think it will show anything. He says he has done all the testing to make sure that i don't have some kind of Okie Dokie Dockie...see ya next time...
Oh but he says he wants to monitor me closely... asks me if i want to come back in one or two weeks? I say two weeks is fine.
I guess this is laying the groundwork for when i have a decent Doctor... right now it just feels like wasted time...
Of course i have not mentioned Lyme to him... you know the precious MD EGO can't be irritated... he would have to find it himself or i would lose him as a Doctor...
Yep... fun times... i coulda had a V8