Sillysheep - thanks so much for the hugs - I really need them at the mo. Sending some back your way too
Celeste - thanks so much, I am actually really touched by your concern. I think that I just seemed to have plateaued for several months . . . had recently tried rifampicin and minocycline to try & shift this horrible head thing - dizziness/wooziness etc - but still no real success . . . so I think maybe my doc just felt we should have a break from abx and see what happened, with a plan to review in a month . . . I was fine got the first week or so off abx - no change really, except, if anything, feeling slightly less tingly and dizzy off the rifampicin - but then I got this strange stiff neck and headache. Didn't worry too much for the first couple of days, then it just continued . . . after a week, I started to realise this could be lyme-connected, a kind of relapse, with lots of people reporting stiff neck as a lyme symptom . . . became more convinced that it could indeed be the bugs coming out to play again :-( . . . and after 12 days with no change, I contacted my lyme doc, and she has put me straight back on 6 weeks of cefuroxime, although I'm filling in with doxy for a couple of days until the new abx arrive. I guess this must be some kind of proof that I really do have lyme?? :-/ I keep thinking these things could just be coincidence, maybe I just randomly strained my neck somehow, and it's just unrelated to stopping the abx, but when I think rationally, I know that this is highly unlikely, and that it really MUST be a result of stopping the abx :-/. But yes, it's so hard to believe that any bugs can still be living inside me after 18 months of abx! :-(
I'm sorry that you're in the same position, but I truly hope that we will both come through this and that we will indeed get there in the end!
. Thanks again, so much, for your support xx