A couple of months ago I was finally dx with Lyme and Babesia ( with suspicion of possible other co-infections) after being sick for 3 years. 2 days ago my 12 y/o son was bitten by a tick. He found it and panicked. He was able to remove the tick and "destroyed" it. But unfortunately I did not get a chance to see the tick to see how engorged it was, or have it tested. I have been monitoring him VERY closely since the bite. He had a bit of nausea yesterday, but he also had a wrestling tournament and sometimes gets an upset belly because of nerves. By the end of yesterday he was c/o a headache and neck pain, again, he was wrestling so not completely uncommon to be a little sore after. The site of the bit looks unremarkable, no bull's eye rash, no fever and no other complaints, as of yet. I am NOT a big fan of ABX but I am really considering putting him on ABX just to be safe. ABX have not been a part of my treatment plan up until today. My new LLND, who I saw for the first time on Friday, is starting my on Azithromycin and Mepron, today.
AM I OVERREACTING?! the thought of my son even experiencing the smallest little bit of what I have been through brings tears to my eyes. I WILL NOT let this happen to him.
I have "joked" with my husband that I feel like I have developed PTSD from Lyme. I am constantly worried and checking everyone in my house, 2 legged and 4, for ticks. And now we are highly considering moving out of New England. Vermont, where I lived when I was bitten and is now only about
1 mile from my current home, has found that 51% of the ticks are Lyme POSITIVE!! I am living in constant fear!