Girlie said...
From what I've read, the flouroquinolones (sp?) are very effective - but come with risks I don't want to take.
dunno ... i was 3 months on flouroquinolones combined with all sorts of other drugs
- 1000mg levo+ 600mg rifampin
- 1500mg cipro+300mg mino +1500mg tinidazole
- 1500mg cipro+300mg doxy+1500mg tinidazole
All i can say is after the "nuke bart" regimen - levo+rifampin - just a day after finishing all doses, i repeated the blood microscopy and my bartonella quintana was alive and well, i could clearly see an erythrocyte with 7 bartonella bacteria inside. And that after i tried to maximize the rifampin that i absorbed by taking it on empty stomach (and during that time my stomach was in really bad shape).
After that, i realized this is attrition warfare. Will not nuke this thing with a megadose in a month or two, but probably make my body inhospitable on longer term by strengthening the immune system and taking some antiboiotic /herbs (like Houttuynia) on longer term may prove more successful.