If you take Diflucan and don't have a yeast issue, not much happens unless you're on it for a month or so and by then you may have to support you liver with a little detoxing.
Again, it is rare that you take that many abx and not have a yeast/fungal issue, if you are not specifically trying to prevent it. The head pressure is a common sx of y/f so there's your strategy…
If you have a health food store near you, look for Garden of Life "100 Billion" probiotic for women. THese are capsules and you can start with a double dose for a few days to get caught up. If you don't feel much change, take a little more (according to my gastroenterologist who is lyme literate, you can't take too much probiotic). But when you're ready to start the abx, you should increase it to 400 billion for a little while, just to ensure you're replacing what you're killing and your body can adjust. I like taking the GoL "emergency" powder that you can add to water, tea.
And until your appt, implementing the probiotic, the anti fungal will be helpful. Diet is key as well… and I bet you will be feeling better by your appt. time. If not, there may be other reasons (I had trouble w/ Bartonella infection in my gut), others have issues with mold sensitivities and/or parasites. But you'll know if it's not y/f if you don't have any improvement with anti fungal + probiotic + diet. Knowing what is or is not working will really help your LLMD start trouble-shooting other possibilities.
You are doing really well trying to learn and understand this situation—it will really help you come to your LLMD appt prepared and you can have questions all ready to go and you'll be more able to understand his responses and recommendations for treatment. So you're way ahead of the game on that, too.
Here is more info on how y/f overgrowth can cause leaky gut and what you can do for it:
yeast/fungal overgrowth
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