Oh, my gosh, IHL, I have been researching this all day. I stopped my A-Bart and A-Bab treatment due to upper torso, arm and facial rashes and it sounds exactly how you described it. A shower did make the rash more red. The little tiny bumps aren't too raised but I can feel them more readily. My skin also flakes when it dries up. The rash is real itchy, too. Is yours?
I saw my LLMD 3 days ago and he has me seeing a homeopathic doctor to test for food allergies. At first I thought this was a crock of poop but the more I research maybe it is a good idea.
I constantly get small rashes a few weeks to a few months after trying different antibiotics. It is so disheartening.
I am wondering if it is from increased ammonia levels. It is some sort of a histamine mediated problem especially if you have methylation problems. Dr. Jernigan states this issue has to be addressed and I think he suggests NeuroAntitox Forumlas and a high lysine diet. L-lysine supplement is also suggested. I have been trying to find high lysine diets but they encompass some arginine foods which are to be avoided. You have to stay on this type of diet for 2 weeks and then incorporate protein for a week and then continue with the lysine diet, etc., etc. I am getting thinner by the day and worry about finding the right foods. If we do have increased ammonia levels drinking lemon water, for now, is a no-no. Ammonia is very alkaline at an 11.6 pH in areas of ammonia accumulation which include the liver, heart, brain and jaws of Lyme patients.
My doc stated to take Zyrtec 1 tab daily and it is working for the 24 hours but the itch comes back until I take another one. I wonder if Claritin would have been better since I have been seeing good reviews with this.
I am sorry you are going through this, too. Chin up and forward we go!!!!!