Hi OPcounselor!
Traveler already provided excellent support so I have nothing to add. Anxious to see your test results. I just wanted to make a comment about
fibromyalgia that might help you understand your path a little better.
"Fibro" is not a diagnosis of what is causing your symptoms as much as it is a NAME for your symptoms. In a roundabout
way, declaring a name for this condition has helped legitimize it in the medical industry and has encouraged the pharmaceutical industry to develop research to find treatment for the symptoms (which are nowhere near as effective as we need them to be), but at least the condition is being acknowledged.
The trouble is, diagnosing the condition and prescribing treatment for the symptoms distracts from finding and treating the underlying CAUSE of fibro. Many of us lymees discovered that our fibro symptoms were really caused by lyme and co-infections and high viral loads. Now, that doesn't mean everyone w/ fibro has lyme but it's almost guaranteed that everyone who has fibro has a more serious underlying problem. You are sooooo smart to investigate and get down to the root of your symptoms. And this is such a great place to troubleshoot the possibility of lyme & co. with all the resources and generous posters here.
As Traveler mentioned, the current serology tests produce results that are not reliable. The main problem is that they rely on a well-functioning immune system. For various reasons, my guess is yours is under functioning, or you wouldn't be feeling so awful. You might want to consider "provoking" a more accurate IGeneX response by boosting your immune system for a good 4-5 wks before you get the blood drawn for the test. This provides support for your immune system so that it can produce enough antibodies for the test to read, creating more accurate results.
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