I looked on a website about
myco and it had some pretty interesting info. Many of you know, I've been struggling with (I'm thinking) kidney and bladder issues.
Web URL : http://www.lyme-symptoms.com/CoInfectionsMycoplasma.html
A lot of symptoms of mycoplasma infections overlap with the symptoms of kidney disease/failure (which is my BIGGEST fear because I have all of the symptoms). Has anyone dealt with this before?
Went to my primary a couple weeks ago, urinalysis showed absolutely nothing except high WBC- which, thanks to Traveler, I now know could be from the Lyme and co. bacteria, but doc prescribed me Cipro for a UTI.
My new symptoms of edema and chest pressure, kidney pain, and extreme fatigue have been added in addition to the frequent urination, occasional night urination, and bubbly, dark urine, sometimes incontinence.
I've had problems with my legs before I was worried about
kidneys, including minor swelling and heaviness and a sore, achy feeling.
Could this be kidney disease or myco? Has anyone experienced these infections and has had blood work all come out okay and kidneys have no disease? I hope they're just a little inflamed from the process and can be detoxed back to health. Also hope the other symptoms are from various infections as well.
I know I should be having regular blood work done, but my Lyme doc charges a lot and my PCP is so adamant about
not doing it (calling after this post for another appointment and going to request kidney function tests again). If not, I will have to make my way to my LLMD, which I really can't afford.
Also, a little backstory:
I had a wonky urinalysis one time in late January that showed protein and blood and WBC in my urine, but my doc had them do a 24 hour urine test and full blood work up that showed nothing wrong on January 30. All tests were in range.
Didn't go back until recently, where urine showed absolutely no protein or anything besides just some WBC. Took antibiotics for that, didn't feel better though.
He told me to come back if it wasn't fixed, so maybe he will order bloodwork if I come in again. In the meantime, can anyone help me out with myco?
Post Edited (Cdavislyme) : 7/24/2015 11:24:27 AM (GMT-6)