Coco-clearly that's the easiest thing to address you as
Many people on here have serious yeast issues. I don't and I don't believe Girlie does either. From reading some of those posts yeast gets everywhere including the brain which is why Girlie said to start the yeast/fungal meds now. Piroutte has some great posts on how to treat yeast and she is more than happy to help anyone. Find her most recent thread and ask away or email her.
I agree with Girlie start with Doxy. If you are detoxing like crazy and have no issues add another drug. You will know after a few doses if you are going to be able to continue to fully function. None of the abx's stay in your system very long so if you have to reduce the dose or wait you should be fine within 24 hours.
Did you tell your LLMD that Flagyll made you suicidal last year? Lyme and the co infections and many of the abx's that work to treat them create tremendous amounts of anxiety and or depression. If that's a med that's dangerous for you to take, you shouldn't take it.
You mentioned a dairy reaction. Almost all of us are off dairy, gluten, sugar and so much more.
The situation with your husband is unfortunately very common. I'm really sorry you are not getting the support you need. I'm glad you found this board. You will get that support here.