I'm so sorry you're struggling like this eagle0eye0JC…
People don't realize how difficult a yeast/fungal overgrowth issue can make an already complex treatment process.
A few thoughts I had:
I'm not sure what diet you're on, but in some ways it doesn't matter and what you listed is really good. Do you like avocados? You do need to eliminate all fruit and other sources of quick sugars (which is the simple carbs). So, the high protein and lots of dark green veggies are your friend for awhile longer.
In my experience, there are two keys to successfully battling y/f overgrowth:
1. Mentally toughing it out past the first stage of killing the bulk of the overgrowth. Literally, toughing it out. It's simple in retrospect but while you're in the process, it can feel horrible. After that point, the y/f is no longer causing the issues that keep you from healing and your brain from functioning. But this first stage is insanely difficult because the overgrowth affects your brain function.
2. What really helps bring success to this first stage is bringing the y/f load down quickly and the right anti fungal is essential.The reason you're craving the fruit and feel worse off the fruit is the yeast creates the sugar cravings! So the yeast is literally impacting your brain chemistry to trick you into eating more sugar or the yeast will starve. And the yeast also creates a low-appetite environment to help you focus on the sugar cravings so that sugar is all you are hungry for and you're generally not hungry for real food. It is a very strong chemical reaction going on in your brain—and one huge reason why so many alcoholics have trouble giving up the alcohol—the y/f overgrowth is literally in charge.
Once you reduce enough of the overgrowth—whatever your own personal tipping point is—those cravings will lessen and eventually go away and your appetite will return. There is no other way around it—you literally have to tough it out and DOMINATE that yeast.
However, there is help… Please read my posts on
pure nystatin powder:
- an all-natural anti fungal
- has no fillers and sugars that other forms of nystatin include
- is much less expensive than the other forms of nystatin and it's much, much more effective at lower doses since it is THE functional derivative of the big pharma products
- is a local anti fungal, which works primarily in the gut where most yeast/fungal imbalances occur (for various reasons, genetic predisposition, abx use which kills ALL the bacteria in the gut including the good bacteria that keep yeast/fungus in balance, and even pesticides and other toxins from foods can disrupt the gut flora)
- in comparison, a systemic antifungal like Diflucan passes through the mucosal barrier in your gut, seeps into the bloodstream, which carriers it throughout your body… so this is good for people who know they have y/f issue but it's like taking the long way to solve a problem in the gut. And if you continue to take abx w/out proper attention paid to replenish good bacteria or an anti fungal, you'll continue to develop overgrowth in the gut, which will continue to feed the systemic problems… so even with a systemic anti fungal you generally need a local anti fungal. Plus, a systemic anti fungal has to be flushed through the liver, which usually raises liver enzymes (anyone on a systemic anti fungal needs their liver checked every 4 wks).
- the other beautiful thing about
the pure powder (particularly for those with thrush, sinus or ear infections caused by y/f overgrowth) is that when you put it in a little water, swish it around your mouth and swallow it, it literally coats the mouth, esophagus and the entire alimentary canal and kills on contact all the yeast hiding out. A pill, whether it's nystatin or diflucan, cannot do that.
- the posts in the link above talk more about
the powder and how to get your MD to prescribe it and how to fill the prescript
ion, the dosing process, etc.—please let me know if you have q's.
Many people try other natural remedies (e.g. oregano oil) that are really great for maintenance and prevention, but once a y/f issue takes hold, they are generally not real effective. And yeast can proliferate exponentially in a matter of minutes. So those of us on abx or taking a lot of alcohol-based tinctures recreate happy environments for y/f in a matter of minutes. It's more successful to hit the yeast hard and fast so that you can get your gut rebalanced and healed, which is critical with lyme treatment. Since 70% of your immune system IS your gut, and your immune system is so critical to healing from lyme, in many ways it needs to be the first focus of triage.
Another thing I noticed is you're likely not taking near enough probiotics. With a full-blown y/f overgrowth, while you're on abx and until you get the y/f rebalanced, you'll need at least 200 billion per day and make sure it's fresh, live, multi-strained and organic if you can swing it. It gets expensive but this is a very good way to tackle the y/f overgrowth but also to help rebuild your gut. On the days I do IV infusions I take 800 billion/day and 100 billion on my off days.
ALso, May to August seems like an eternity in our condition but it is not a very long time where your GI health is concerned, immune function, reactions to diets and meds, etc. It also takes awhile for your gut to heal itself but it will also take awhile to move the toxins from processed foods out of your body. So, that might be why you're not seeing a whole lot of progress yet.
I hope some of that was helpful. You expressed a main concern of diet, etc. but I strongly encourage you to address the y/f overgrowth first and then your diet issues can improve and you can start eating more high calorie foods.
Please let me know if you have q's.