jrpsf said...
I'm of the frame of mind that I would rather tough it out and beat the crap out of the disease than be dealing with this for years and years.
The problem with this is that there are those that don't detox well, and if you don't know how well your body detoxes - then it can get dangerous - and actually slow the healing process.
the body is a wonderful thing at healing itself, true, but with significant challenges (like healing from Lyme or dealing with large amounts of toxins), it will happily create severe symptoms and shut down other functions in order to deal with what is most critical (survival of too many toxins in the blood). It's not hard to find cases where the body has shut down one or more functions when it's under too much stress. Women and their cycles is one that is mentioned frequently.
So if a person has a body that has no gene mutations, no other conditions other than Lyme, then sure, it's great and even preferable to hit it and hit it hard. But if you have anything else going on, I always advise caution in starting treatments until you find out how your body will respond.
I have literally lost count of the number of people (after 28 of them I just quite counting actually) that have been on this forum and have either stated on here or to me in an email that they wish they had listened and started off slower and on lower doses of both herbs and pharma abx. And that's why I have gone to really trying to get most everyone to start off slow, and only ramp up as fast as your body can get rid of the toxins - with keeps symptoms low enough for the person to continue to function during the day.
As always, we all have to do what fits us personally and our own situation best.