Why to treat? To prevent your children from going through what I lived through (barely). Just read my posts in this link:
www.healingwell.com/community/default.aspx?f=30&m=2977364 It's my journey (very condensed) and why no child should go without treatment if any of these infections is even suspected. The link is in my signature line on every post.
"Traveler :
I'm glad both of your kids doing good, did you realize you have Lyme when you got pregnant them? Do you breastfeed them?
If I want to order igenex test? Do I only need test for Lyme only?"
No, I had no clue I had these infections at the time. I knew that I wasn't very healthy, but never once thought it had anything to do with the ticks and bug bites I had gotten my whole life. I grew up on the West Coast in the early 70's, so none of this was on anyone's radar. But that doesn't stop me from recommending that everyone that has reason to suspect these infections get treatment and not wait. My story should scare people!!
Yep!! I did breast feed my kids, without knowing what I was exposing them to, of course I was just happy to still be alive after the horrendous pregnancies and births that I had. As I said, I was pretty sick and so I had complications. After the birth of my son (2nd child), my OB/GYN told me I had a 40% chance of surviving the next pregnancy and he recommended that I at least get my tubes tied. Two years later, I was having a hysterectomy because things kept going wrong with my female parts (prolapse was the last straw).
Many people only opt for Lyme testing simply because the co-infection testing is less accurate than the Lyme testing, and that's barely "iffy". Most good LLMD's will diagnose by symptoms (clinically) anyway.
For possible help in paying for testing, see Lyme Tap:
www.lymetap.com/And no, Smcal - you are definitely NOT alone!! Not any more!