Lovemychildren Mom said...
Do you ever sit and the heck did I make it through all that and do all that... and survive?
Yes, I do wonder. And I am amazed that I managed to stumble across protocols that not only worked to heal K's infections, but the other psychological/neurological diagnoses that she had as well.
It was hard in the beginning; my husband was not on board with treating lyme, thought LLMD's were quacks and that herbal remedies produced only placebo effects.
I was angry all the time. Angry at the doctors who wouldn't accept that K could be healed, angry at my husband who wouldn't accept alternative treatment, angry at God for doing this to her/me. I was a mess and my own bartonella infection didn't help. There was so much anger for years and years.
We have not returned to the place were we in before; things are different but not bad.
My husband does have more respect for my opinions now, and I have more respect for his point of view. I also have more respect for my own intuition. After all, this was not a case of my discovering anything new. The answers were there all the time. But I had to intuitively make my way to them by rejecting opinions/options that made me feel leery or scared.
I knew in my heart that I could help this little soul that was given to me to look after, and I followed my heart to find her (and my own) healing.
Cd3764 is right (amazing moderator who knows what people are going to say before they say it); take each step as it comes; there is no real alternative. It was as if I was being lead down this path for a reason and I could either fight it or intuitively go with the flow.
As you can tell I have become a bit more spiritual and accepting of circumstance.
I am now a fan of thinkers like Eckhart Tolle:
/ Lansky: Gary Shermann: all teach that "being in the moment" and accepting that moment is the way to peace; that where you put your attention produces your perception of life.