You might want to consider adding a few things to your detox protocol....and continue to add to it. It's really best to support the organs involved with detoxification.
For example, taking milk thistle will help your liver. Drinking lots of water (some with lemon) will help flush the kidneys.
Dry skin brushing before your shower/bath helps move lymph fluid as does a cold rinse at the end of the shower/bath. Red Root can also help.
Taking a binder can be really helpful. I regret not starting activated charcoal sooner.
The site I'm linking below has quite the comprehensive list of detox ideas:
www.tiredoflyme.com/detox-methods.htmlAnd, to answer your question about
my nerve problems:
I developed urinary urgency when on abx (I figured it was part of herxing). It got much better as I continued with treatment and I might have an isolated instance now as part of a herx.
I also developed a bunch of different manifestations of peripheral neuropathy: numbness, tingling, stinging sensations, internal vibrations that "improved" and became poking and/or tapping sensations. Thankfully, all of the peripheral neuropathy symptoms I've had have improved with treatment...very slowly.