Posted 11/1/2015 8:22 PM (GMT 0)
Heat - I had small warning symptoms for the past 4 years but nothing that was really troubling. Then this Spring in a matter of weeks all heck broke loose, so it happened very suddenly for me. The numbness that kinda moved around but stayed pretty much all over at some level (face & scalp too), buzzing in feet/trunk, sleep issues, limbs going all the way dead at night, super cold hands and feet that would not warm up, felt just really sick without a fever, tremor in hands, left sided weakness, palpitations and some pain, cognitive stuff, etc. Had 2 negative Labcorp tests and was told Lyme Disease does not exist in NC. Was put through all the MS testing as well but once that came back negative I was basically dismissed. I kept searching and found someone to test me through Igenex. Had 4 Lyme bands, positive band 31 epitope test and positive IFA. I also was tested for heavy metals and have many that are very high so that could be contributing to my problem. Hopefully when I start chelating things will improve. My EBV and HHV-6 are elevated. It's great that you are being proactive and testing further. Please keep us updated on your test results!