I have tried a lot of the Bart herbs, yes. Tried lots of the stuff for all the infections. Both whole herbs, tinctures, and self-made teas. How long? Few months each, some longer. All this year pretty much. The best any of it does anymore is slightly reduce my symptoms for a few hours, with effectivity lessening by the day it seems.
Clean diet as well, to the point of near starving, as I'd gotten rid of so much, and was limiting myself due to fears over certain conditions (candida, leaky gut, histamine intolerance), which leads me to about
the only good thing that's come from my KIND OF, temporarily giving up - I've put on 20 much needed lbs. But, yes, I had a clean diet.
The detoxing, while it's never been the best, I did quite a bit. Though, my 23andMe results showed that I am positive for one of the MTHFR defects, homozygous to boot, so, yeah, detoxing is likely a huge part of it.
Thing is, I feel like I know the difference between these things. What's herxing, what's not. What toxin overload is. What's just the infections. The things I'm feeling these days, while, yes, detoxing would help, I am pretty sure they're largely due to unrestrained Lyme, quite possibly Bart, and more.
Someone mentioned one of the books. Funny thing is, I just spent $100 getting some used off Amazon the other day, only to come to the realization, when a couple arrived, that I'm really in no shape to get much use anyway. I try to read a page, eyes burn, head aches, start to get fatigued. Even if I push through, don't remember a darn thing in 5 minutes. Still, may skim, jump here and there, pull what info I can. Maybe be healthy enough to read fully and master them someday? Would be nice.
I don't know, guys. I know I need to get things in order for the killing agents to work properly, but I feel like they should be doing something for me, some of them, if they worked against the infections as they exist in my particular body.
Also, I know, get these things in order, before you use antimicrobials. But, like I said here, elsewhere, with the way things are, I'm not going to be able to properly treat those things, unless I stop this from taking any more of my brain from me. I won't be able to function even at home, more than the bare minimum, let alone work to be able to afford the stuff I need. Who knows how long it'd take for me to be able to say, ok, my gut is 100%, or even 60, 70, at least? Detoxing, I am going to start that. But, the rest, I won't be able to do that.
The brain stuff is coming back. I can feel stuff in my face, the muscles not wanting to cooperate anymore. Something new, chest issues. I'm afraid it is finally going to my heart in a bad way.
I am scared to think where I will be in a month, unless I stop the infections from progressing.
Very crappy situation. I really don't know what to do. I want to do it right, in my mind, to do so the right way means me going without treatment that is going to prevent me from losing any more of the little "good" health I have left.
Thank you, everyone. Very nice people. You deserve a smiley face.