LOL! Well, my upper eye lid gets all puffy! Sorry. I'm still tracking it down. I know it's not due to Lyme, as I healed a while back - they just cant' get rid of me yet!
I don't know if eye lid swelling usually affects sinuses or not, but it did for me as well. I kept thinking it was a sinus issue for a long time, and tried all kinds of antihistamines and decongestants, but none of them helped.
Yes, a droopy eye lid is due to Bell's palsy - also known as facial nerve palsy. That can very much be a Lyme symptom. You can have the droopy eye lid as well as the swelling and they can be from different issues.
But... you are talking with someone who is adamant that detoxing is necessary!! As the Lyme bacteria dies, it puts off toxins - neurotoxins - that will increase your symptoms and bring on new symptoms. So you really do need to start detoxing. This is a great list that you can go over and get started with some of the more simple things on there: Not everyone needs to detox like I had to, but detoxing is necessary. I would really encourage you to start using some of those methods right away to help your body heal better.