Your PCP has brain fog.
There are plenty of people who made some health discoveries from doing 23/me. Well, only if they run the data though a good site like :
/ - which is the best in #s of reported genes (35 pages, of 20 each page on average) for under $50.
If you see some flags (reds), than you can test these with conventional testing to prove in some cases. I did this, and not only found I had things, but proved some past Drs wrong. This shows genes, and related diseases ect.
Example, 23/me pointed out I had a clotting gene, which explains why I had a clot. I was refused testing for it till I showed 23/me results, then they tested at a normal lab, yep. I had it. PCP was then like, oh..ya this is useful. 23/me was correct. It also showed other thing I know I have, it was correct again. Did know why I cant detox well, 23/me shoed a whole page of liver detox issues I have, wow. Doc said dont take up hard drinking, youll die from a dead liver very easily.!. That is why some alkies die and some live.
Its very usfulle. and i suspect your young, good to know things before they happen. And if your lucky with good genes..better sleeping for you then!