There are different herbal protocols you can choose between.
- Cowden
- Byron White
- Jernigan's
- Buhner's
The one i was on (and hope to be back on soon) is Buhner's.
Here is the website if you're interested:
buhnerhealinglyme.comYou can see the 'older' protocols on the left hand side of the home page. He no longer updates that site...but has continued to research and change the protocols. You can purchase his book if you want to learn about
not only the core herbs, but the support herbs as well.
For Lyme - the core protocol was Japanese knotweed, Cat's Claw, Eleutheros and Astragalus. (There is a warning about
using Astragalus with chronic lyme..but some people have been fine adding it to their protocol)
I haven't purchased his new Lyme treatment book, so not sure of all the core herbs he recommends.
You could get started with the 'older' protocol and see how you fare while waiting for his book to arrive.
Stephen Buhner recommends several different sources for herbs. If you want capsules, Green Dragon Botanicals is one. For tinctures, there is Woodland Essence, and Sage Woman Herbs to name a couple.
You order them online.
Here is the link to the Cowden website:'s:
www.jernigannutraceuticals.comByron White:
www.byronwhiteformulas.comI think you have to buy Byron White's through a Practitioner.