leelee112233 said...
Thanks Jackie. Do you mind telling me your head symptoms?
First I have to say it does get better with proper treatment. You may not believe it now but it is true. Herxing is very difficult and you must detox like it is a full time job to keep herxs at bay.
Black and blue dots in vision
Tingling of ears, face, head - rotating
Upper Neck pain
Occipital lobe ( back of head ) pain
Head pain gets bad enough I white out
( I have been in ER for it with morphine )
Deep brain pain
Inflamed vessels on head, eyes
Severe brain fog
Slowed cognition
Anxiety Depression
Alzheimer type symptoms
Visual & Auditory Hallucinations
Pretty much hell.
Migraine medication makes me SEVERELY worse even though what I have mentioned above sounds very migrane-type. Bartonella and migraines work differently on your blood vessels.
Lyme can go into meningitis over the years but if you are having strong neuro symptoms out of proportion to other symptoms ILADS says first think Bartonella.