PANS/PANDAS is a set of symptoms resulting from "autoimmune" brain inflammation caused by bacterial or viral infections. PANDAS is caused by strep B infection, PANS essentially by anything else.
These symptoms include:
Obsessive-compulsive symptoms
Associated neuropsychiatric symptoms:
Anxiety symptoms
Extreme moodiness and/or depression
Irritability or aggressive behavior (including raging)
Learning/cognitive symptoms, confusion
Behavioral regression
Sensory symptoms (light, touch, sound sensivities)
Motor symptoms (Loss of fine motor ability) (Tourette's-like motor and/or vocal ticcing)
Urinary symptoms (frequency, enuresis)
Sleep disturbance, fatigue
Dilated pupils
PANDAS can be indirectly caused by lyme or coinfections because of the immune suppression they produce; allowing an otherwise acute strep infection to become chronic and thus chronically inflammatory.
PANS can be directly caused by lyme, bartonella, babesia, mycoplasma, viral or other bacterial infections.
In my opinion, there is no reason why an adult could not suffer from brain inflammation produced by any of these infections. Depression, anxiety/panic attacks, confusion/brain fog, loss of motor function, insomnia and aggressiveness/raging are all frequently seen in lyme/co patients.
Also in my opinion these symptoms, when experienced by a lyme/co patient, are no different from the symptoms experienced by a child with PANS/PANDAS.
You didn't say which infections you were treated for. If you have been treated only for lyme, underlying coinfections (which also supress immune function) may be your problem. In which case I suppose strep could be a factor as well.
I don't buy into the "autoimmune" part. In my opinion (and experience) the inflammation is caused by immune/antibody response to intercellular infection, not by the body attacking it's own tissues.
In the end, it doesn't matter what you call your symptoms. You will heal when you have addressed the proper infections and improved the function of your immune response.
Here is a good you tube video by Robert Bransfield discussing the psychoimmunology of tick borne disease: