I based what I was saying on this from Buhner:
buhnerhealinglyme.com/herbs/artesunate-vs-artemisinin/ and what he said here:
buhnerhealinglyme.com/herbs/developing-resistance-to-herbs/And on the fact that I took it for a full 12 months previously. This does not mean that it is good for every person to take long term as Buhner also cautions against that, but I did this before I ever found Buhner. My herbalist thought it was okay as long as I wasn't having negative issues with it, which I didn't.
I'm with Opugirl (so happy you are back to posting some!! Thank you!) and actually liked the taste of Houttuynia - but I buy the whole herb (known as cut/sifted) and made/make a medicinal tea from it. It reminds me of a lightly brewed black tea, actually. But again, I did not use the tincture.