Ugghh... That's all you needed. There are labs to send the tick into for analysis - I think there is info on the "New to Lyme?" Page. Definitely do this---you described a nymph tick, which is the what most people are infected by probably because they are so hard to see. But it might be free of many pathogens so having it analyzed might put your mind at ease.
I'd start taking not huge but higher doses of OTC olive leaf extract --go by directions on bottle but increase them.
I also agree with others that you are not currently on a comprehensive protocol but curious what your symptomology is.
Rather than "staying away" from baths I would keep trying them but in a different way. For those of us who are very sensitive to them (like me!) you gotta start very slow and take measured steps. Our skin is our largest detox organ and we desperately need to use it. Here are some suggestions when you're starting out:
- Don't do baths on the same days as sweating (sauna, exercise)
- Start with foot soaks first
- Incorporate and increase only one "detox component" at a time
- Start with cooler water and carefully add heat as you go
- Start with very short soaks and add time as you go
- Common ingredients are Epsom salts, sea salt, hydrogen peroxide, antimicrobials oils and essential oils----but add VERY small amounts of only one ingredient at a time
- Always do a quick rinse afterwards
Hope that is helpful!