I did Hout and when I got up to 15 drops I added in cryptolepis. So I did babs and bart pretty darn close to the same time.
Crypto you need to do for about
5 months - the life of a red blood cell.
Hout - well gosh, I think I will stop that when I finish this last bottle.
It is all about
how you feel
Oh and the sore throat. I love this stuff. Taste like carp, but dang if it doesn't work super.
www.iherb.com/Herb-Pharm-Soothing-Throat-Spray-1-fl-oz-29-6-ml/14586?CAWELAid=120224250000029492&gclid=CNmWgMTcv80CFVBffgodsh4E6gI get mine from Amazon, but found this link.