I'm a broken record about
this so I apologize to those of you for whom this doesn't apply, but for the others:
Yeast/fungus can grow out of the gut, up the threat and into the head lickity-split if left unmanaged. Weird throat, ear, eye, sinus symptoms aches, pain is often yeast/fungus. And with those of us on so many antibacterial remedies, it's a common occurrence. So consider what the associated symptoms might be and please make sure you do not have an untreated y/f overgrowth.
Much more info here:
www.healingwell.com/community/default.aspx?f=30&m=1606610&g=3644275#m3644275Ear wax is a form of protective mucus our body creates in order to stop debris from entering too deeply into the ear canal. So, while I don't have a whole to of detail to offer you, I'd think about
conditions that might stop healthy mucus creation and investigate that. So, so, so, so many of our weird symptoms are due to inflammation, so that is another avenue I would search.