darling787 said...
I take something called MC BAR 1 by Beyond Balance. It has Cats Claw, Jamaican Sarsaparilla, Pau d'Arco, Burdock, Blessed Thistle, Mullein Leaf, and Oregon Grape. I can only tolerate 2 drops daily at the moment. I also take wild oil of oregano once daily.
I hope someone can respond directly to that tincture. One thing I like about
the tincture formulas is they can sometimes knock out several issues at once. But the downside is you could be reacting negatively to a specific ingredient and there's no way to know what it is.
darling787 said...
I take theralac as a probiotic.
Most of the research I've read on threelac isn't great. I'd explore a better probiotic - check out Garden of Life -- has 34+ strains, the more strains the better.
darling787 said...
I am concerned of going to some llmds that are too aggressive in abx therapy. I am SUPER sensitive to medication ( I took .5mg of klonopin for sleep years ago after a death in the family. Was on it for 1 year and took me 1.5 year to water titrate off!)
I don't know Dr M - maybe someone else does. But I totally agree that MDs can be too aggressive but you can always insist that they move at YOUR pace. There is a lot of good info out there now that hard herxing is not necessarily helpful and can be quite harmful to the treatment process. So you're smart to keep things at the right speed but detoxing is as important as abx or herbs or whatever microbial you're taking. So the most important thing to keep in mind is to detox at the same pace you're killing microbes.
darling787 said...
I agree the zithro may be exactly what targets my issue. I took a zpack back in the summer for my first throat infection when this all started and thats when the muscle pain began. I think it woke something up. I am just SO scared of herxing like I did. I would want to start really slow ( like maybe once a week) but my doctor insists on a minimum of once daily.
Only after I took multiple courses of various abx for chronic sinusitis did I start exhibiting very clear lyme symptoms. It's often a really good indicator that you're hitting an infection/the right infection. The reason the MD insists on once/daily is that it's important to keep a "therapeutic" level of the abx in your system--they have a specific life in which they remain functional. You can also explore ways to "pulse" like taking the abx 4-5 days (which can drive the spirochetes out of the blood stream into hiding in the tissues) and then stopping for a couple days to allow the spirochetes to think the coast is clear so that they re-enter the blood stream where they will be zapped when you start taking the abx again. This will help with the impact of the abx but also DETOX DETOX DETOX!!! And protect your gut!
darling787 said...
Since I seem to tolerate mino okay I was thinking of giving it another try and trying to be patient. But I did not notice much improvement being on it ( though only took it for 1.5-2 months ) and in hindsight I think I felt better than I do now( I actually ran a half marathon back in March but I got very ill after so stupid). But mino doesn't target strep...so I would need to continue on penicillin or add in Augmentin or something.
Marathons are probably off the activity list until you're past treatment. Our bodies can handle only so much stress. Most people with chronic illness have adrenal problems--caused by physical, physiological or psychological stress and for lymees sometimes it's all 3! Your body is fighting many battles so R&R and slowing life down and pampering yourself and meditation--all very important parts of treatment.
darling787 said...
I was wondering if I could take mino during the week and the zith on the weekends? Have you seen this done? May push for something like this with my doc but she seems really against the pulsing approach. If you were me what would you try next?
Ask her why she is against the pulsing approach and if she suggests it's based on what her husband thinks, then yes, I would maybe step up the search for another LLMD. I think it's great that she's willing to help you and I'm not suggesting that being against pulsing is a deal breaker, but you need an LLMD who is compatible with you and she might not be able to get you to the next level that someone else might. Finding a good LLMD partner is no easy task. There is a reason why some MDs specialize in lyme--it takes a LOT of experience to figure out what works for each person and she simply cannot have that repertoire if she's not a lyme specialist. But I really like that she's willing to help you right now...
darling787 said...
As far as detox....I do need to step this up. I am planning on using an infared sauna twice per week. I take glutathione liposomal daily , alka seltzer gold when I feel like I'm herxing. Take theralac for a probiotic which my doc requires that brand if she rx's abx.
All sounds great (except the threelac). You might want to incorporate some good neuro-psycho detoxing agents like:
- Pinella and BurBur tinctures (ask her to help you find these)
- and a good gut binder to help get rid of neurotoxins in the gut, which can enter the brain as well (try OTC activated charcoal or bentonite clay, or the best is PURE cholestyramine, which is expensive but the best stuff out there).
- Japanese Knotweed can help with controlling inflammation...
- Also, if you continue w/ abx I would incorporate pure milk thistle seed or burdock root to help your liver--what is already in the Beyond Balance tincture isn't enough.
and if you posted specific questions like "what is the best detox agent for _______" you'll get great responses I bet.
Hope this is helpful!