Welcome LMN,
I am so glad you decided to introduce yourself to us. I'm sorry you have Lyme, but this is a great place for support.
Please read through the "New to Lyme-start here" if you haven't already. It sounds as though you have done some research already so kudos for being proactive!
With detox it is advisable to start with one drop at a time. They can actually cause herxing. You want to see what your reaction to those will be. Those are great detox methods by the way! I would also add more detox...slowly. Use this link for ideas.
www.tiredoflyme.com/detox-methods.htmlI have been doing Buhner's protocol without the help of a LLMD and have had great success, as have others on this forum. My symptoms have also been mostly neurological and I feel hopeful with the progress I am seeing. Just keep in mind that it is slow going. I have been at it for 6 months and am just seeing real progress.
Feel free to ask any questions and come here for all the support you need! We can all sympathize with the struggles and are happy to help.
I wish you the best!