Whatever herbs you choose to use, you should make sure that it won't interfere with your homeopathic treatments.
With that being said, some of those herbs you mention are in what I use for Lyme:
www.healingwell.com/community/default.aspx?f=30&m=3244272 But it only works for a small subset of Lyme patients, so I usually recommend Buhner's to most.
Can you get his new book? 2nd edition of "Healing Lyme"? It goes into great detail about
the herbs used, their actions and more. It might be a great help to you in decided what to use and when, as well as what doses to use.
Samento is TOA free Cat's claw. Buhner goes into great detail about
the controversy of TOA and POA in cats claw in his 2nd edition Healing Lyme book, but in general he believes (after a great amount of research) that the claims are unfounded, since he found that not only are TOA's not dangerous, but are actually beneficial in healing Lyme.
Is it possible that you could have someone from outside of your country order them for you and then ship them to you? I know that some people use that option.
Buhner says that herxes occur with Teasel, and I've read of others that have herxed when using Teasel as well, so it does have some antimicrobial activity.