Traveler said...
You forgot to mention bacterial/viral debris in the blood as well, unless those break down into "just chemicals" as well?
I think eating raw vegetables is not only tasty,but good for us, as long as you know your digestion is good. If a person has lowered stomach acid, personally I would question this, as the body will have difficulty breaking down raw foods.
I mentioned acidic cellular debris.
Eating raw is good for us from an acid/base and bacterial introduction standpoint but like you mentioned, everyone can't jump right into it. Not only lowered stomach acid but a reduction in bifidobacterium and oxalobacter reduces digestion of fiberous foods. Those that have already down regulated their immune response may not be able to handle green leafy vegetables because of the increase in methylation. I am at a loss as what to do if one has already down regulated. I have 10 epigenetic shifts in my methylation pathway at all the bad places. I have no clue how to fix what has occurred. I can live "normal" but I want to be what I was before this happened. I don't think that is going to happen.