bluelyme said...
Is it ok to pulse rifampin ? Old posts say no .dr j and others say ok ..i know liver function is key ..and it only has half life of 4 hrs ,so even every day i am pulsing ..obly at 300 and like a person without arms i just cannot hang ..every other maybe but i feel like i got a shot at bart baciliformis and i am scared at fq ...some say pulsing can make resistant should i muscle thru? i am pairing with zith ,abart and bvt ,and occasional roceph. Dr b said blo seems to come back after roceph is withdrwn. It says on label some gram neg bart one of those ?
Does anybone have experience with cipro or levaquin it worth the risk to kick bart back ? How do i know if i am being floxed ? Or is too late when it happens ...i know its a lot of questions but maybe a few veterans on here can help? Thanks hw
I am pulsing Rifampin...I have not regressed...been pulsing for several months now. (without checking notes...I'm thinking 6-7 months)
My nerve pain -thoracic - mostly right side still not backing down...but my right shoulder pain - flared a couple weeks ago (prior to flare it was just hurting in certain positions...daily) - and last couple days..I have no pain in that shoulder....right now...I am giving Rifampin the credit - thinking I herxed and now all is good...time will tell if the pain is gone for good. (I have had this pain in the shoulder for about
1 1/2 ...maybe 2 years.
I do trust Dr. J. He is the one LLMD that impresses me the most...
IF he wasn't getting results by pulsing...I would think he would change his practice...right?
Also, more LL dr.'s are pulsing not just Dr. J.
I have not heard of rocephin being used for Bartonella....
I don't think you get a 'warning' if the cipro or leva are going to flox can just happen.
Maybe you get a bit of tendon pain first...but would you know if it was flexing?
I don't know if the risks are worth it...maybe if you're feeling it's a last resort?
I'm reading/hearing more about
persistence rather than resistance...even with bartonella.
Dr. M. (bart guru) says keep at it...don't quit too soon. Not always gone in 9-12 months.