i can explain the elispot since i used a similar lab for my testing (not armin labs but a "sister lab" from the same city).
Borrelia EliSpot
1 Borrelia b. Full Antigen 11 SI
--> lyme antigen present - mine was initially 30, it kept on going down with treatment, now it is 0 (zero).
1 Borrelia b. OSP-Mix 17 SI
--> borrelia outer surface proteins present - combination of multiple outer surface proteins for lyme - very non specific, like a yes/no , mine was +7. now it is 1
1 Borrelia burgdorferi LFA-1 ! 2 SI
--> Lymphocyte function-associated antigens 1 -> shows if you have active immune cells going after borrelia. Mine was initially +4, now it is 0 (zero).
4 CD57+ NK-cells (absolute) - 35 /ul 100
--> normal value is above 130. these are specific cells called CD57+ that seem to get lower on chronic lyme patients.
in my personal opinion you certainly have chronic lyme disease.
The fact that you have the SeraSpot negative does not mean much, garinii and afzelii are european flavors of borrelia. Borelia s.s means sensu stricto and means Budgorferi and is also negative. These are useless, there are over 130 flavors of Borrelia, they've just found a few last year, and they dont even have tests for each specific new type
/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borrelia_miyamotoiwww.cdc.gov/media/releases/2016/p0208-lyme-disease.htmlSo the important test in my opinion is the EliSpot which shows you have pieces of the bacteria wondering in your bloodstream, plus a suppressed immune response (CD57 is very low). That plus your clinical picture (if you have lyme symptoms) should me more than enough to determine you do have lyme disease.