multifacetedme said...
astroman - what are your thoughts if the d-limone hasn't been that effective with gerd, or the zantac for that matter. Perhaps something else causing it? Curious - your knowledge seems deep about this matter. I guess I'll know after they do the scope.
Well GERD is generally caused by these things:
-High acid
-Low acid from unknown reasons age ect.,(which can also be from low thyroid, T3 specifically)
-Damaged LES valve that takes to long to heal and leaks acid splashing upward (which might have been from a temporary gut upset, temp GERD condition turned chronic from the leaking valve
-stomach bacterial or yeast overgrowth (some are candida and H.Pylori)
-Hatial Hernia (a physical deformation)
-there is gall bladder bile reflux too
zantac lowers acid production. D-limonene does nothing to acid production or level; it controls acid splashing up into the LES (heals leaky LES valve) and coats/ sooths inflamed stomach lining.
If all the above info is understood, sometimes we need a good or different probiotic, digestive enzymes, or HCL for more acid. I posted about
HCL in the last week.