Hey Cheryl your readings were similar to mine so i spent thousands getting my house checked out and there's no mold.
There are two ways to read these results and unfortunately neither is very clear. If you are positive it could show that your body is doing a good job clearing out the toxins and that's a good thing. Or it could say you have it and need to do something about
Here's a thread I started up 6 months ago on the subject take a look. I think most of us on antibiotics have some level of mycotoxins because we are killing off good flora and candida does exist and produces it. In terms of ochra and aflatoxins they are both on foods so I'm not sure what to make of those as I think anyone can have them to some level.
There's a lot of debate on how relevant such tests are and how to treat. Integrative doctors will typically treat you with a binding agent. I guess there's no harm helping to clear out these toxins.