rk - "I have spend thousands on massage, chiro, PT, etc. Nothing works."
- I did too, but learned the very aggressive (pressure) of active release and my own very aggressive myofacial release works when done repeatedly.
www.activerelease.com/europe/providerSearch.asp - it was developed in the late 80's by an engineer turned chiro, makes sense to me. Chiros do this, the trick is to find one who has the longest appts. 10 min wont do it. I found a PT who does this a hour a time. It works then.
After you get the muscles and tendons softened and lengthened again, then you slowly implement muscle rebuilding, I had to figure out this order by trial and error. I did a lot of my own own daily pressure release work in between ART appts. I looked at you tube and invented new moves that work. If I knew how to make decent quality videos, I'd put some on you tube. I'm a retard with all the new electronic stuff. If this were 1800's, Id be a mnt man LOL
So sense you were not reading this forum for the last three years, you didnt see and of my in detail muscle pain relief posts..(?)
I wish this forum could save each of our posts somehow in our account thingie.
I had many starting in 2013 or 2014, If you just use our google forum search and put in myofacial astroman, you will find some. They were all separate, so no one long continual thread.
There is no solid proof my bugs are all dead. My symptoms just got better slower than most peoples. I did the leaky gut thing on my own 8 years ago, then seen a LLMD a few years ago who did quite a few rotated ABX's for one year total, but I had breaks so it was like 1 1/2 years I guess. I herxed 5 moths one period!
There was no one day I awoke and felt immediately better. I am sceptacle when I read this in others posts sometimes. BUT, I got this in the early 90's all symptoms with bullseye rash at one point, Drs blew it off. Being an outdoor addict since childhood, I had many ticks on me before 20 yrs old. Longer you have it, the more it does long term.
Im better, not 100% and I'm not going to exaggerate and say I'm 100%, since I'm not. Positivity is good, honesty is better.
I have continuously tested for other diseases too (and weeded out stupid Drs), nothing else so far but my autoimmune hashimoto that might be from lyme too.
Oh- dandruff can be a candida thing. So is athletes foot.