saozemko said...
Does anyone also notice with bad weather symptoms get worse? We had a snow storm come through here fri night til mid day yesterday and I had the whole head and neck and eye headache from hell all day long g! It was 23 low of 8 last night 25 today low of 6. I feel better today besides being exhausted but the nap helped me. Also it's that time of the month I think I get the headaches around that time too.. all related??
My symptoms will increase during times of high barometric pressure, or really low barometric pressure - and when storms are moving in or out usually. I also noticed that the day that we were to get some snow (extra humidity in the air), my symptoms were also increased.
The really cold makes me hurt more, and feel less energy(as if I had some???), and yet the heat will also do this to me, especially when combined with high humidity. So, essentially, I figure that any time my body requires more energy to keep things running, I'm more symptomatic.
I haven't had female parts in a while, but I do know that during 'that time of the month', symptoms did increase, and many women report this as well.